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I. Kaminer, M. A. Pascoal, E. Xargay, N. Hovakimyan, V. Cichella, and V. Dobrokhodov. Time-Critical Cooperative Control of Autonomous Air Vehicles. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128099469, 2017. Link

Book Chapters

I. Kaminer, E. Xargay, V. Cichella, N. Hovakimyan, A. M. Pascoal, A. P. Aguiar, V. Dobrokhodov, and R. Ghabcheloo. Time-critical cooperative path following of multiple UAVs: Case studies. In Advances in Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control, pages 209–233. Springer, 2015. Link

Journal Publications

Tabasso, C., Cichella, V., Mehdi, S.B., Marinho, T. and Hovakimyan, N. Time coordination and collision avoidance using leader-follower strategies in multi-vehicle missions. Robotics10(1), p.34. 2021. Link

Rober, N., Cichella, V., Ezequiel Martin, J., Kim, Y. and Carrica, P. Three-Dimensional Path-Following Control for an Underwater Vehicle. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, pp.1-11. 2021. Link

Tabasso, C., Mimmo, N., Cichella, V. and Marconi, L., 2021. Optimal motion planning for localization of avalanche victims by multiple UAVs. IEEE Control Systems Letters. 2021. Link

Tabasso, C., Cichella, V., Mehdi, S. B., Marinho, T., & Hovakimyan, N. (2020). Guaranteed Collision Avoidance in Multivehicle Cooperative Missions Using Speed Adjustment. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems17(8), 436-453. Link

V Cichella, I Kaminer, C Walton, N Hovakimyan, AM Pascoal. Optimal Multi-Vehicle Motion Planning using Bernstein Approximants. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2020.2999329

H Lee, V Cichella, N Hovakimyan. L1 Adaptive Output Feedback for Non-square Systems with Arbitrary Relative Degree. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Volume: 66, Issue: 2, Feb. 2021) Link

V. Giovinco, V. Cichella, C. Maletta, C. Lamuta. Dynamic model for the tensile actuation of thermally and electro-thermally actuated Twisted and Coiled Artificial Muscles (TCAMs). Smart Materials and Structures. 29(2) (2019): 025004. Link

V. Cichella, I. Kaminer, C. Walton, and N. Hovakimyan. Optimal motion planning for differentially flat systems using Bernstein approximation. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2(1):181–186, 2018. Link

V. Cichella, T. Marinho, D. Stipanovic, N. Hovakimyan, I. Kaminer, and A. Trujillo. Collision avoidance based on line-of-sight angle: Guaranteed safety using limited information about the obstacle. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 89:139–153, January 2018. Link

R. Choe, J. Puig-Navarro, V. Cichella, E. Xargay, and N. Hovakimyan. Cooperative trajectory generation using Pythagorean Hodograph Bezier curves. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 38(8):1744–1763, 2016. Link

V. Cichella, R. Choe, S. B. Mehdi, E. Xargay, N. Hovakimyan, V. Dobrokhodov, I. Kaminer, M. A. Pascoal, and A. P. Aguiar. Safe coordinated maneuvering of teams of multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles: A cooperative control framework for multivehicle, time-critical missions. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 36(4):59–82, 2016. Link

Z. Zuo, V. Cichella, M. Xu, and N. Hovakimyan. Three-dimensional coordinated path-following control for second-order multi-agent networks. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 352(9):3858–3872, September 2015. Link

V. Cichella, I. Kaminer, V. Dobrokhodov, E. Xargay, R. Choe, N. Hovakimyan, A. P. Aguiar, and M. A. Pascoal. Cooperative Path Following of Multiple Multirotors over Time-Varying Networks. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(3):945–957, July 2015. Link

E. Xargay, I. Kaminer, M. A. Pascoal, N. Hovakimyan, V. Dobrokhodov, V. Cichella, A. P. Aguiar, and R. Ghabcheloo. Time-critical cooperative path following of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles over time-varying networks. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 36(2):499–516, 2013. Link

K. Andersson, I. Kaminer, V. Dobrokhodov, and V. Cichella. Thermal centering control for autonomous soaring; stability analysis and flight test results. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 35(3):963–975, 2012. Link

Non-peer-reviewed Publications

Kielas-Jensen, C., & Cichella, V. (2020). Bernstein polynomial-based transcription method for solving optimal trajectory generation problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.09992, 2020

A. Lakshmanan, A. Patterson, V. Cichella, and N. Hovakimyan. Proximity Queries for Absolutely Continuous Parametric Curves. arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.050272019.

H. Lee, V. Cichella, and N. Hovakimyan. L1 Adaptive Output Feedback for Non-square Systems with Arbitrary Relative Degree. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.074272019.

V. Cichella, I. Kaminer, C. Walton, N. Hovakimyan, and A. Pascoal. Bernstein approximation of optimal control problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.06132, 2018.

Conference Papers

James Buchholz, Jae-Eun Russell, Venanzio Cichella, Casey Harwood, Shaoping Xiao, and Ezequiel Martin. “An Undergraduate Naval Science & Technology Certificate.” In APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, pp. T19-010. 2021.

Rober, N.A. and Cichella, V., 2021. Geometric Path Following of Underwater Vehicles. In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum (p. 1678). 2021.

Tabasso, C. and Cichella, V., 2021. Multiple Leader-Follower Coordination for Cooperative Missions. In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum (p. 1766). 2021.

V. Cichella, I. Kaminer, C. Walton, N. Hovakimyan, A. M. Pascoal. Consistent Approximation of Optimal Control Problems using Bernstein Polynomials. In Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Nice, France. December 10-13, 2019.

C. Kielas-Jensen, V. Cichella. Trajectory Generation Toolkit for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles Using Bernstein Polynomials. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). November 4-8, 2019.

A. Lakshmanan, A. Patterson, V. Cichella, and N. Hovakimyan. Proximity Queries for Absolutely Continuous Parametric Curves. 2019 Robotics: Science and Systems, June 22-26, 2019.

S. Stephens, S. G. Manyam, D. Casbeer, V. Cichella, D. Kunz. Randomized Continuous Monitoring of a Target by Nonholonomic Agents. 2019 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). June 11-14, 2019.

T. Marinho, M. Amrouche, V. Cichella, D. Stipanovic, and N. Hovakimyan. Guaranteed collision avoidance based on line-of-sight angle and time to collision. In Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC). June 27-29, 2018.

S. B. Mehdi, V. Cichella, T. Marinho, and N. Hovakimyan. Collision avoidance in multi-vehicle cooperative missions using speed adjustment. In Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). December 12-15, 2017.

C. Widdowson, H.-J. Yoon, V. Cichella, F. Wang, and N. Hovakimyan. VR environment for the study of co-located interaction between small UAVs and humans. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Los Angeles, USA, 2017.

H. Lee, V. Cichella, and N. Hovakimyan. L1 adaptive output feedback control for underactuated MIMO systems. In Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017.

G. Blois, J. Best, K. Christensen, V. Cichella, A. Donahue, N. Hovakimyan, A. Kennedy, and I. Pakrasi. UAV-based PIV for quantifying water-flow processes in large-scale natural environments. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 4–7, 2016.

G. Blois, J. L. Best, K. T. Christensen, V. Cichella, A. B. Donahue, N. Hovakimyan, A. B. Kennedy, and I. Pakrasi. Assessing the use of UAV to quantify flow processes in rivers. In Proceedings of the International Conference On Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2016), Iowa City, USA, July 2016.

S. B. Mehdi, J. Puig-Navarro, R. Choe, V. Cichella, N. Hovakimyan, M. Chandarana, A. Trujillo, P. M. Rothhaar, L. Tran, and J. H. Neilan. A safe cooperative framework for atmospheric science missions with multiple heterogeneous UAS using piecewise Bezier curves. In Proceedings of the AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Washington DC, June 2016.

T. Marinho, A. Lakshmanan, V. Cichella, C. Widdowson, H. Cui, R. M. Jones, B. Sebastian, and C. Goudeseune. VR study of human-multicopter interaction in a residential setting. In Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality, Greenville, SC, 2016.

H.-J. Yoon, V. Cichella, and N. Hovakimyan. Robust adaptive control allocation for an octocopter under actuator faults. In Proceedings of the AIAA Conference of Guidance, Navigation and Control, SciTech Forum, San Diego, 2016.

V. Cichella, T. Marinho, D. Stipanovic, N. Hovakimyan, I. Kaminer, and A. Trujillo. Collision avoidance based on line-of-sight angle. In Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, December 2015.

V. Cichella, I. Kaminer, V. Dobrokhodov, and N. Hovakimyan. Coordinated vision-based tracking for multiple UAVs. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 656–661. IEEE, 2015.

A. Trujillo, H. Fan, C. D. Cross, L. E. Hempley, V. Cichella, J. Puig-Navarro, and S. B. Mehdi. Operator informational needs for multiple autonomous small vehicles. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Las Vegas, USA, volume 3, pages 936–943. Elsevier, 2015.

G. Blois, J. L. Best, K. T. Christensen, A. B. Kennedy, A. S. Donahue, N. Hovakimyan, V. Cichella, and I. Pakrasi. Combining UAV and high-resolution image-based particle image velocimetry to monitor flow in lakes and rivers. In Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2015.

S. B. Bilal Mehdi, R. Choe, V. Cichella, and N. Hovakimyan. Collision avoidance through path replanning using Bezier curves. In Proceedings of the AIAA Conference of Guidance, Navigation and Control, Kissimmee, FL, January 2015.

R. Choe, J. Puig-Navarro, V. Cichella, E. Xargay, and N. Hovakimyan. Trajectory generation using spatial Pythagorean Hodograph B´ezier curves. In Proceedings of the AIAA Conference of Guidance, Navigation and Control, Kissimmee, FL, January 2015

H. Lee, V. Cichella, and N. Hovakimyan. L1 adaptive output feedback augmentation of model reference control. In Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), pages 697–702, 2014.

V. Cichella, R. Choe, S. B. Mehdi, E. Xargay, N. Hovakimyan, V. Dobrokhodov, and I. Kaminer. Trajectory generation and collision avoidance for safe operation of cooperating UAVs. In Proceedings of the AIAA Conference of Guidance, Navigation and Control, National Harbor, MD, January 2014. AIAA 2014-0972, 2013.

V. Cichella, R. Choe, S. B. Mehdi, E. Xargay, N. Hovakimyan, I. Kaminer, and V. Dobrokhodov. A 3D path-following approach for a multirotor UAV on SO(3). In Proceedings of the IFAC Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems, volume 2, pages 13–18, 2013.

V. Cichella, I. Kaminer, V. Dobrokhodov, and N. Hovakimyan. Cooperative vision-based tracking of multiple UAVs. In Proceedings of the AIAA Conference of Guidance, Navigation and Control, AIAA 2013-5110 Boston, MA, August 2013.

R. Choe, V. Cichella, E. Xargay, N. Hovakimyan, A. Trujillo, and I. Kaminer. A trajectory generation framework for time-critical cooperative missions. In Proceedings of the AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace, Boston, MA. AIAA, volume 4582, 2013.

V. Cichella, I. Kaminer, E. Xargay, V. Dobrokhodov, N. Hovakimyan,M. A. Pascoal, and A. P. Aguiar. A Lyapunov-based approach for time-coordinated 3D path following of multiple quadrotors. In Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pages 1776–1781. IEEE, 2012.

V. Cichella, R. Naldi, V. Dobrokhodov, I. Kaminer, and L. Marconi. On 3D path-following control of a ducted-fan UAV on SO(3). In Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pages 3578–3583. IEEE, 2011.

V. Cichella, E. Xargay, V. Dobrokhodov, I. Kaminer, A. M. Pascoal, and N. Hovakimyan. Geometric 3D path-following control for a fixed-wing UAV on SO(3). In Proceedings of the AIAA Conference of Guidance, Navigation and Control, 2011.


V. Giovinco, V. Cichella, C. Maletta, C. Lamuta. Dynamic Model For The Tensile Actuation Of Carbon Fibers/Silicone Rubber Twisted And Coiled Artificial Muscles. Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS). September 9-11, 2019.